
Nighty Night: Catch Some Zs at Glenwood Hot Springs Resort

Hit the hay and sleep like a baby; the benefits of a good night’s rest cannot be overstated. Sleep disorders are an epidemic, but with the aid of the geothermal waters at Glenwood Hot Springs Resort you’ll be out like a light in no time!

The historic setting and fabled waters at Glenwood Hot Springs Resort invite visitors to get away from it all. Families vacation here to play in the world’s largest hot springs pool, slip down the slides and cannonball into the deep end. Others come specifically to soak in the mineral-rich healing waters of the therapy pool, join a yoga class at the Athletic Club and opt in for a nurturing massage at the Spa of the Rockies. However visitors choose to spend their time at the resort, one of the things they can typically count on is getting a great night’s sleep—maybe the best rest they’ve had in years!

According to the National Foundation of Sleep, a shocking 40 million people in the US suffer from insomnia. Why do we as a population have such a hard time getting some shut-eye? The number one reason is that we’re stressed out. We worry about our jobs, kids, relationships, the past, the future and the next decision we need to make. Other factors that keep us awake include depression, medical conditions and changes in our work schedule, but stress tops the list.

Sleeping is vital to our wellbeing. When we don’t get enough we’re prone to moodiness, accidents and poor work performance. Conversely,  getting adequate rest improves memory, increases lifespan, boosts creativity and sharpens attention; it also reduces inflammation in the body and aids in maintaining a heathy body weight.

According to Consumer Reports, Americans spent an estimated $41 billion on sleep aids and remedies in 2015, and that number is expected to grow to $52 billion by 2020. That’s a lot of money and sleepless nights. Medical interventions have their place, but so do alternative therapies. Practicing sleep hygiene is a good first step.

A sleep solution that has a growing amount of science backing its claim is soaking in warm water before bed. An evening soak in Glenwood Hot Springs thermal waters helps to naturally reduce stress and anxiety by loosening tension in muscles. Also, the water in the hot springs, unlike a bathtub, stays a constant temperature, so you can swim, soak and relax for several hours before retiring. Soaking in hot water will elevate your body temperature contributing to further relaxation, but it’s when you get out of the water and head over to the Glenwood Hot Springs Lodge for bed that your body signals your brain it’s time to go to sleep. As your body cools off, you get sleepier. By the time your head hits the pillow (cue the yawns), you’re down for the count.

While you may not be able to soak in Glenwood Hot Springs every night of the week, visiting the geothermal pool is a good way to begin a regimen of healthy sleep habits or recharge your sleep batteries. Either way, it’s an all-natural remedy that feels great too. If you’re finally ready for a great night of sleep, soak first, then head for our lodge to catch some Z's.